When you have missing teeth in your mouth, dental implants in Merrimack, NH can improve how your smile looks and functions. At Something To Smile About, Dr. Kevin Boulard uses dental implants to help patients remedy different cosmetic smile concerns. Tooth loss affects how you speak, bite, and chew and can make some patients feel self-conscious. During a consultation, he can examine your teeth and gums to determine if you’re a good candidate for dental implants.
How do dental implants work?
Dental implants are artificial tooth root replacements that Dr. Boulard surgically inserts into the jawbone to make them a permanent tooth loss solution. These screw-in teeth are natural-looking, which gives our patients improved appearance and oral health at the same time. When placed into the jaw, osseointegration must occur where the bone fuses with the implant so it is long-lasting. Average healing time can take anywhere from 2 – 6 months. After Dr. Boulard determines that osseointegration is complete, a custom crown is placed on top of the implant.
To be a candidate for dental implants, you must have:
One or more missing teeth
A strong jawbone to withstand the important healing process
Good overall health
No existing oral health problems
The dental implant procedure timeline
There are three parts to the dental implant procedure in Merrimack, NH:
Planning: During the planning phase, Dr. Boulard determines if a patient is a candidate for dental implants. At Something To Smile About, we evaluate a patient’s jawbone and gums. For some of our patients, a bone graft may be necessary to provide enough support before we insert an implant.
Placement: During this phase, dental implants are surgically inserted into the jawbone. We use local anesthesia to numb the area being treated. Next, an incision is made at the gumline to insert the post. Lastly, the gums are sutured close.
Completion: Once the implant and the jawbone are given proper time to heal, we will take 3D impressions to ensure that your implant is in the right place. Once this is confirmed, your custom-made restoration (a crown or bridge) is attached to the screw.
How long do dental implants last?
Most patients at Something To Smile About ask Dr. Boulard if their dental implants are permanent. The amount of time that your implants last depends on how well they are cared for. Oral hygiene is an integral step to ensuring that your implant remains durable and your overall oral health is intact. The location of your implant can also determine how long they will last as teeth in the back receive more pressure than other teeth. Poor oral hygiene leads to implant failure and possibly the development of gum disease. When maintained well, an implant can forever with regular dental exams and routine cleanings. Your crown can last up to 15 years.
Learn how dental implants replace missing teeth
Dental implants are a great option for patients in Merrimack, NH looking to improve how their smile looks and functions. At Something To Smile About, Dr. Kevin Boulard uses them to improve his patients’ oral health and give them a better-looking smile at the same time. When you’re looking for a way to replace teeth successfully and want to learn if you’re a candidate for dental implants, call to schedule an appointment at our Merrimack, NH dental office today.